Monday, March 20, 2006

throttle vs brake

showing the highs and lows of my first live formula 1 race experience, malaysian GP 2006...more details later.
formula 1 live is just out of this world!


Jagadish said...

sooper aagi ide :D

karthik c said...

haha awesome way to communicate... what did u use to do this ashu ?

ashwini bharadwaj said...

was thinking of writing it in a few points...then thought this is a better way to communicate.

i drew the curve using MS word drawing tool bar and grouped the arrows, curves, textboxes and pasted it in MS paint and saved it as a jpeg image :-) don't know how efficient the technique is but allowed to put something on the blog to convey my feelings abt the whole thing in a simple manner for now.

Manu Gurudatha said...

hehe... awesome ;)

Anonymous said...

I see you are big fan of F1 !!!!

Sayesha said...

Whoa! Very rare to see a female F1 fan! Way to go! :)

MusicManiac said... rode an F1 car? Which one? How come? Guess I'm a li'l dazed!

ashwini bharadwaj said...

good god! I didn't drive an F1 car!
the post was about the F1 race that I watched live :)